Chapter Rosters
Chapter Rosters are your prime contacts, so make sure these individuals are informed of every meeting on a timely basis. The rosters can also be used to check and see if a person is a member, especially important if the Chapter offers discounted meeting registration for NADCA members, etc. This is a powerful recruitment tool, especially considering the yearly Chapter Rebate available.
Who receives the contact information of our chapter members?
Rosters are available online to Chapter Officers currently on file - (see your Chapter Web Page to confirm) on the first business day of October through May. Please send any changes made to the Chapter Board ASAP to so we can be sure that only appointed officers, in good standing with NADCA are receiving the files. If the Chapter requires a current roster any other time of the year, one can be requested through the email address listed above.
What type of information is in the electronic file sent?
The file contains name, address, fax, phone and other contact information on the members in your Chapter.
What do I do with this file?
Since it is a simple Excel® file, you can do mail merges, print labels, print rosters and more. Contact the NADCA staff if you have questions.
Privacy Notice
Please remember: These lists are property of the North American Die Casting Association. The addresses on these lists may only be used in official business conducted by NADCA Chapters. Use of these lists in any other manner is illegal. These lists contain addresses that flag wrongful activity.